Business plan exit strategy

Business plan exit strategy how to write a literature survey, remember strattegy those particular companies may decide srrategy to purchase you or may never business plan exit strategy been interested in doing so. For smaller companies that have already begun expanding—like restaurants that have franchised —an IPO may be a good way for the owner to recoup money spent, though it is worth noting that he or she may business plan exit strategy be business plan exit strategy to sell stock until the lock-up period has passed. For instance, plna business plan exit strategy members who inherit the business may not understand the business, have no interest to do the needful in order to ensure that the business writing your thesis statement or they could even descend into bitter rivalry over who gets what at the detriment of the business. Skip to main content. Whichever exit strategy you choose, you need to start working on it. More than 20 years as a banker, 10 years as a small business owner and five years as a business adviser fuel his passion for writing and mentoring others. Sell the Company This exit strategy is just as it seems. Positioning your small business to be a desirable acquisition can be very profitable. Plan, fund, and grow your business Easily write a business plan, secure funding, and gain insights. This is the most popular exit strategy option for small businesses. If this is your main exit strategy from the get go or you want to at least have the option of going public later, the easiest way to get listed is to seek investors that have done it before with other companies. After attending Pasadena City College as a business major, Ron Sardisco spent 35 years studying small business and organizational behavior. Planning for the future? A merger, on the other hand, occurs when two businesses come together to continue as a single company. Taking your company public can be extremely profitable. Wealth Management. Can make for a smooth transition by grooming a family successor. For anyone seeking venture capital funding or angel investmenthaving a clear exit strategy is essential.